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We are looking forward to celebrating the High Holidays together.

High Holiday tickets (in-person and virtual) are FREE for members in good standing. You are a member in good standing if you have paid your membership dues in full or have set up a payment plan.  You will receive a CNT membership card in the mail prior to the High Holidays that you will use as your entrance pass. 

If you need tickets for family or friends, please click on the "Tickets" tile below. If you plan to attend virtually, the zoom link will be sent to all CNT members.  You don’t need to fill out any forms or click on any tiles.

If you are not a CNT member and would like to purchase a ticket for in-person or virtual (zoom) attendance, please click on the “Tickets" tile.  

Please click on other tiles to contribute to the Annual Campaign, sign up for childcare or religious school programming on the High Holidays, order Challah, participate in the communal Yom Kippur break-fast meal, volunteer at CNT, or sign up for other CNT activities.

Please note the Yizkor book, Sisterhood Book, Lulav & Etrog, and Challah all have submission / order deadlines.

Submission to the Yizkor Memorial Book has closed. For questions contact Ambir Elliott at

Orders for the Lulav & Etrog has closed. If you placed an order, once we receive the order, you will be contacted to schedule a pick up time. For questions contact Tama Somers at

High Holidays 2023/ 5784 Schedule

We are looking forward to celebrating the High Holidays together.

High Holidays Schedule

Rosh Hashanah
Friday, September 15th - Erev
7:30pm      - Services Begin

Saturday, September 16th - Day 1 
The Shofar will not be blown on day one because it is Shabbat.  There will be many opportunities to hear the Shofar on day 2.
8:15am      - Shacharit Begins
9:00am      - Torah Service
9:30am      - Family Service
10:15am   - Youth Programming begins
10:30am   - Rabbi’s Sermon
12:30pm   - Approximate End Time
6:45pm      - Mincha
7:30pm      - Maariv

Sunday, September 17th - Day 2 
8:15am       - Shacharit Begins
9:00am       - Torah Service
9:30am       -  Babysitting and Childcare begin
9:50am       - Shofar Blowing 
10:30am    -  Rabbi’s Sermon & Rabbi’s Torah Discussion
11:15am    - Teen/Parent Discussion
12:30pm    - Approximate End Time
5:30pm       - Rosh Hashanah Family Picnic and Outdoor Service (Including Shofar blowing and Tashlich)

Yom Kippur
Sunday, September 24th -  Kol Nidrei
7:00pm      - Kol Nidrei Begins

Monday, September 25th
8:15am       - Shacharit Begins
9:00am       - Babysitting Begins (ages 2-5)
9:15am       - Family Service 
10:00am    - Children’s Programming Begins (K-8)
10:15am    - Yizkor
10:45am    - Rabbi’s Sermon
12:45pm    - Approximate Service End Time
1:30pm       - Afternoon Study Sessions
4:45pm       - Mincha & Neila
6:00pm       - Sacred Moments at the Ark
7:23pm       - Fast Concludes

Family & Children's Programming

This year there will be family experiences on all three days, Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and 2 and Yom Kippur. In addition, there will be children's programming on all three days at different times than the family experiences. See schedule above for times. 

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784