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Worship with us

Shabbat services are now taking place again in the Sanctuary. We also have a Zoom option for those who wish to participate virtually.  For the Zoom link, please contact us.

Friday Evening Services
Services at 6:00pm | Oneg at 5:45pm
Each Friday Evening we welcome Shabbat with joyous music and song, reflection, inspiration and family experiences.

Our house band, CNT's "Rhythm and Jews," joins services periodically throughout the year to raise the roof for very special musical Shabbat services.  

Saturday Morning Services
Services at 9:30am | Kiddush at noon
Each Saturday Morning we enjoy celebration, prayer & Torah study. Join with us to express yourself in the presence of God, to grow in soul, and to share your life with the life of our Jewish community. 

Prayer is like the light from a burning glass in which all the rays that emanate from the soul are gathered to a focus. 

-Abraham Joshua Heschel






Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784